For information on joining a committee, please contact the following committee leads.
CANADA COMMITTEE The Committee aims to increase TAPA's presence in Canada. It will meet regularly to share business insights and best practices while fostering improved partnerships, advocating and advancing the TAPA Standards, as well as collaborating with members and law enforcement.
CYBER SECURITY STANDARDS COMMITTEE The purpose of the Committee is to develop standards, provide training, and ensure continuous improvement in cybersecurity for our members.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE Develop engaging educational content for webinars, the programming of the TAPA Annual Conference, and educational resources for members.
FREIGHT BROKER SECURITY STANDARDS COMMITTEE The purpose of the Committee is to Design and build theft prevention standards for the freight broker segment of the supply chain.
LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE The purpose of the Committee is to Develop relationships with Law Enforcement Agencies to promote TAPA, plan the National Cargo Theft Summit, develop the Law Enforcement Grant program to support training opportunities and equipment purchases, and review and approve Grant requests from Law Enforcement.
PARKING STANDARDS COMMITTEE Develop and oversee the future TAPA Parking Security Requirements.
PUBLIC & GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The committee's purpose is to monitor government-related laws and public affairs issues that would affect supply chain security activities, particularly any activity that directly relates to TAPA Americas' existing standards, goals & objectives, or general interests.
STANDARDS COMMITTEE (FSR&TSR) The purpose of the Committee is to develop standards, provide training, and ensure continuous improvement in cybersecurity for our members.
TRAINING COMMITTEE The purpose of the Committee is to provide TAPA Standards training to TAPA Members and the industry at large.