How to Perform an Internal Audit Under the TAPA FSR

February 13, 2025

Presenter:  Alan F. Spear, LLC, Cargo Logistics Security Consultant and former Chair, TAPA Americas.
Contact Information:  Alan Spear, [email protected], (847)323-9439

Presentation: To prepare for a formal FSR certification audit, LSPs can utilize various procedures to get ready. Among these are pre-certification (test) audits, including Training and Pre-Certification audits. As a part of the actual certification process, LSPs may also choose to have their internal auditor sit in with the actual audit (Monitoring audit) to help find workarounds when audit issues arise. Finally, once the LSP is certified, they must conduct two self-audits between the three years of formal audits. While all of these approaches overlap, there are some differences. This seminar is about using internal audits to support formal TAPA FSR certification.

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